FAQs about RTVE.es: Is RTVE.es Free to Watch? How to download RTVE.es videos?
RTVE serves as a benchmark of excellence and ensures the presence of channels with varied and balanced content for all audiences with high-quality news, discussion, education, and entertainment. It helps maintain social cohesiveness. Sometimes when it comes to the unstable internet connection, many people want to find an easy way to download RTVE videos on their devices.
In the following paragraphs, we will discuss the method of downloading content from RTVE.es that we have tried and worked well.
What is RTVE.es?
The largest publicly owned media organization in Spain is RTVE. It consists of TVE, which has seven television channels, RNE, which has six radio stations, RTVE.es, the RTVE Institute, the RTVE Orchestra and Choir, and TVE. Everyone may find a place there, and it provides rigorous, independent, pluralistic information and high-quality entertainment.
Is RTVE Play Free to Watch?
Yes. The service is completely free. There is also RTVE Play+, albeit it costs $4.99 per month. This one has more substance, particularly in the area of live streaming.
Is an Account Required to Stream RTVE Play?
Not at all, no. Without making an account, you may watch any episode or live stream with RTVE Play. However, having an account provides you extra benefits, such as the option to download a show, designate titles as favorites, and resume watching where you left off.
What devices can I use to watch RTVE Play?
RTVE Play is available for live and on-demand streaming on PCs, Macs, iPhones, iPads, Android devices, and Fire Sticks.
What to Watch on RTVE Play?
- Servir y Proteger
- El Comisario Montalbano
- Dos Vidas
- MasterChef
- Riders
- Malaka
- Acacaias 38
- Hit
- Merli
How to create an RTVE account outside Spain?
Even while you don't need an account to access RTVE Play's content, having one does provide you with advantages. So, here's how to establish an account if you want to use RTVE more effectively:
- Launch your VPN program first, then connect to a Spanish server.
- Go to https://www.rtve.es with your selected browser.
- Click on the Profile Icon in the upper right corner of your screen.
- Choose to Create a New Account.
- Enter the required information now and tick the Terms and Conditions box.
- Click Enviar.
- Congrats! You now have access to RTVE Play.
What kind of content is available for download from the RTVE.es?
The General State Administration of Spanish controls the Spanish Radio Television (RTVE) institution. Spanish Television and the National Radio of Spain are the two divisions of this commercial organization, whose goal has been the dissemination of audiovisual and radio programming since its founding more than 60 years ago.
Through the implementation of Law 17/2006, this body has been consolidated since 2006 by altering factors including its source of funding, its method of operation, and, most importantly, the nature of its services.
For this reason, RTVE has evolved into a platform where we may download files from its website that are connected to documentaries, series, cookery programs, movies, and archival films. Each of these audiovisual files may be downloaded in a range of quality levels, from HD to 4K, with "Files" obviously offering the lowest quality owing to the antiquity of its recordings.
Easy steps to download videos from RTVE.es
Step 1: Launch Y2mate Video Downloader
You may get the program by going to the Y2mate Video Downloader website, download and install it. Start up Y2mate and navigate to the "Home" screen, where you could click the "Paste URL" button.
Step 2: Simply copy and paste the URL of the video
You will first need to visit the RTVE.es website, search for the video that you want to download, and then copy the video’s URL. Please place it in the space provided.
Step 3: Save the Video to your computer
Simply clicking on "Download" will get the download started. The process of downloading would take place in the background, and you would still be able to browse for further movies and view them online.
You now have all of the information that you need to successfully download RTVE videos onto your own personal PC or Mac.
Y2mate Video Downloader- Your Best Choice
Using the Y2mate Video Downloader to download videos for subsequent offline viewing won't cause any issues. The finest quality audio and video will be available for you to view. In addition, you may utilize a number of different providers and download live TV broadcasts. Because of this program's easy learning curve, people of all experience levels may utilize it.
Features of Y2mate Video Downloader:
- High-resolution movies are available for download.
- It offers support that is tailored to the nation.
- The user interface is clear and uncomplicated.
- Save time by downloading the entire series at once.
- Support a range of audio and subtitle formats for various languages.
Final words
With hundreds of programs and sporting events, including the Olympics, RTVE Play is a fantastic channel to have. Now that you have all you need, you may access it from abroad.
Simply get in touch with us or leave a comment below if you have any more inquiries regarding how to download and use Y2mate to access RTVE.es offline. Moreover, Y2mate also supports other OTT platforms, such as BBC iPlayer, Hostar, and Pornhub.